Processing Fee

Processing Fee


Olites Publishers provides free, unrestricted online access to the published scholarly articles to everyone across the world. We are convinced that everyone – not only scientists – can benefit from research results, and we publish all our articles exclusively as open access documents, with a Creative Commons attribution license agreement (CC-BY). Readers have the right to use, distribute, and reproduce in any medium, provided the source is properly cited.

The process of publishing articles in online journals is a tedious; As Olites is a self-reliance organization and does not receive any funding from neither from government nor private sectors. Hence, the operation of the Journal is solely financed by the handling fees received from authors and some academic/corporate sponsors.

Article processing charge/ publishing fee enable us to cover the costs associated with editing, typesetting, storing, and archiving of the article, as well as maintaining the most advanced peer-reviewed platform in online publishing. The APC is payable if and when a manuscript is accepted for publication after peer review, but before it is published.


Why does Olites Journal charge processing fee (PF) to publish in its Journals

Authors can pay the processing charge through the online payment portal by using credit card/ and or can transfer the APC to the publisher’s account furnished in an invoice, and we will send the confirmation of the payment receipts once the payment is made. Hence, the APCs are paid by the authors or research institutes or funding agencies on behalf of the authors.

Article Retraction 

If authors wish to retract their paper after rigorous review and revisions, he/she will be labelled to pay 20% of the total expenses on their article as a fee for processing. Since, the review process requires input of Editors, Reviewers, Associate Managing Editors, Editorial Assistants, Content Writers, Editorial Managing System & other online tracking systems to ensure that the published article is of good quality and is in its best possible form.

Article Type
Processing Fee
Article Type
Processing Fee
Low Income
Middle Income
High Income
Article Type
Research Article (RA)
Processing Fee
Article Type
Review Article (RW)
Processing Fee
Article Type
Case Report (CR)
Processing Fee
Article Type
Mini Review (MRW)
Processing Fee
Article Type
Short Communication / Commentary (SC) / (CM)
Processing Fee
Article Type
Other Types
Processing Fee



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