Journal of Nursing and Primary Health Care
January 14, 2025 2025-01-14 10:45Journal of Nursing and Primary Health Care
Journal of Nursing and Primary Health Care
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About Journal
Journal of Nursing and Primary Health Care (JNPHC) is an interdisciplinary open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes high quality papers that make a vital and novel contribution to the field of clinical nursing and all spheres of nursing practice
Nursing practitioners develop a plan of care, working collaboratively with physicians, therapists, the patient, the patient’s family and other team members, that focus on treating illness to improve quality of life.
Aim and Scope
JNPHC journal is mainly focused upon the health care that includes care of patients, individuals, families, and communities to maintain, or recover best possible health.
JNPHC journal publishes original research articles, clinical trials, reviews, case report, editorials, letter to the editor, short communication, opinion, book review and other special featured articles related to the field of nursing and primary health care.
JNPHC journal scope includes various topics but not limited to public health nursing, critical care nursing, perioperative nursing, oncology nursing, midwifery, psychiatric nursing, pediatric nursing, geriatric nursing, holistic nursing, transcultural nursing, forensic nursing, emergency nursing, school nursing, hospice and palliative care nursing, military nursing, orthopedic nursing, rehabilitation nursing, advanced practice nursing, neuroscience nursing, occupational health nursing, cardiovascular nursing, obstetric nursing, family nursing, maternal-child nursing, nephrology nursing, rural nursing.
Editorial Managing Policy
JNPHC is using Editorial Manager Policy to attain quality in review process. This Policy follows an online manuscript submission, review and tracking systems. Review processing is performed by journal editorial board members or by outside experts. Editorial Managing Policy simplifies the publication process and helps the author to get track of their articles.
JNPHC Open Access
As JNPHC is an International Open Access journal, all the articles published under this journal will be accessible to all internet users throughout the world without any barrier of access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. All published articles will be assigned DOI provided by Cross Ref. JNPHC will keep up-to- date with the latest advancements in the fields of Nursing and Primary Health Care. Abstracts and Pdfs of all articles published are freely available to all interested online readers immediately after publication without any restrictions or any other subscriptions to researchers worldwide.
Authors are welcome to submit the manuscript through our online portal and or send us an E-mail attachment to our Editorial Office.
Journal Highlights
- Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Clinical Practice
- General Practice
- Health Care Systems
- Health Informatics
- Health Services
- Healthcare Delivery System
- Healthcare Environment
- Healthcare Organizations and Systems
- Medical Practice
- Medical Services
- Medical Statistics
- Mental Health Nursing
- Nurse Practitioners
- Nursing Care
- Nursing Science
- Patient Care
- Preventive Medicine
- Patient-Nurse Relationship
- Clinical Effectiveness
- Evidence-based Practice
- Institutional Culture Management
- Organizational Questionnaire
- Nursing Ethics
- Nursing Moral and Ethical
- Nursing Decision Making
- Ethical Analysis
- Neonatal Nursing Journals
- Nurse-Physician Teamwork
- Nursing and Palliative Care
- Nursing Care
- Nursing Education
- Nursing Informatics
- Nursing Knowledge
- Palliative Nursing Care
- Primary Health Care
- Nursing Program
- Geriatric Palliative Care Innovations
- Cardiac Care Nursing
- Emergency Nursing
- Antenatal Education
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