Aquaculture Research & Fisheries Journal

Aquaculture Research & Fisheries Journal


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About Journal


Aquaculture Research & Fisheries Journal (ARFJ) is an international, scholarly journal introduced by Olites  publications with an aim to publish articles that covers aquatic systems that includes impact of human activities on them.

Aim and Scope


Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic organisms such as fish, prawns, molluscs, and aquatic plants related directly or indirectly to human consumption. Farming, cultivation, and preservation of aquatic fauna, is one of the prime factors to balance essential needs with increasing day-to-day population. Educating and researching these factors helps manage and conserve aquatic resources. Industry-driven applied research aids in understanding the fundamentals of aquaculture and fisheries to advance the boundaries of aquatic sciences. Researchers, zoologists and scientists are striving hard in discovering new techniques for more production rate with less cost.  ARFJ journal will be at forefront to emphasize this research.

The ARFJ journal focuses on broad aspects of fisheries both in the wild and the farms by stressing the effective management techniques to promote the latest artifacts and technological know-how to develop safe and efficient practices.

The goal of ARFJ journal is to provide  available platform for scientists and researchers all over the world to promote, share, and discuss novel issues and perspectives in diverse areas of the subject includes but not limited to fishing technology, fisheries science, fisheries management, aquaculture, fishery biology, fish farming, water pollution, fish feed technologies, aquaculture practices, marine food, fish production, tropical aquaculture and fisheries, marine biology, marine biotechnology, fishery economics, fisheries and pollution, fish vaccines, fisheries medicines, and fish genetics and genome.

ARFJ journal accepts articles for publication having international standards like original research articles, reviews, case studies, perspectives, other reports and opinions relevant to fisheries and aquatic research.

Editorial Managing Policy


ARFJ is using Editorial Manager Policy to attain quality in review process. This Policy follows an online manuscript submission, review and tracking systems. Review processing is performed by journal editorial board members or by outside experts. Editorial Managing Policy simplifies the publication process and helps the author to get track of their articles. 

ARFJ Open Access


As ARFJ is an International Open Access journal, all the articles published under this journal will be accessible to all internet users throughout the world without any barrier of access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. All published articles will be assigned DOI provided by Cross Ref.  ARFJ will keep up-to- date with the latest advancements in the fields of Aquaculture Research. Abstracts and Pdfs of all articles published are freely available to all interested online readers immediately after publication without any restrictions or any other subscriptions to researchers worldwide.

 Authors are welcome to submit the manuscript through our online portal and or send us an E-mail attachment to our Editorial Office.

Journal Highlights

  • Aquaponics
  • Fish Production
  • Marine Food
  • Fishing Technology
  • Fish Feed Technologies
  • Captive Fishing
  • Aquaculture Tanks
  • Aquaculture Supplies
  • Aquaculture Systems
  • Global Aquaculture Alliance
  • Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
  • Sustainable Aquaculture
  • Shrimp Aquaculture
  • Oyster Aquaculture
  • Tilapia Aquaculture
  • Home Aquaculture
  • Salmon Aquaculture
  • Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries
  • Aquaculture Engineering
  • Husbandry & Management
  • Nutrition
  • Disease Prevention & Control
  • Fish Biochemistry
  • Genetics and Molecular Biology
  • Fish Physiology & Endocrinology
  • Fisheries Resources Habitat and Management
  • GIS in Fisheries
  • Aquatic Biology
  • Environment and Ecology
  • Fishing Gear
  • Vessel and Engineering
  • Fisheries Machinery and Management
  • Preservation and Processing of Aquatic Products
  • Aquafarming
  • Fish Farming
  • Fish Culture
  • Mariculture
  • Aquatic organisms
  • Fisheries science
  • Freshwater
  • Ecosystem
  • Aquatic Physiology
  • Fish Pathology
  • Marine Biology
  • Aquatic plant farming
  • Aquatic Biology
  • Commercial Fishing
  • Crustaceans
  • Molluscs
  • Aquaculture Management
  • Fisheries Management
  • Recirculating Aquaculture System
  • Aquatic Habitats
  • Fish Disease
  • Prevention and Control
  • Ocean Fisheries
  • Zooplankton
  • Phytoplankton
  • Chinese Aquaculture


The Authors are advised to follow below principles before submission of an article

The title page must have a title that reflects the summary of the article. The title should be limited to 25 words or less and it should not contain abbreviations.

It should contain author names followed by Department,University or Organization, City, and Country of the author(s), along with their email address. For corresponding author the complete affiliation and postal address is required along with contact information.


The abstract should be informative and completely self-explanatory, validate noteworthy information, and attention to significant findings and conclusions. Abstract may as well edit the content in 250-300 words. The classified format of abstract should contain a description of the study background, methods, results and conclusion. Below the abstract, a list of keywords and abbreviations should be included. They should be separated with semicolon e.g., Seman; Histoplamosis; Oraganogenisis

The Introduction should provide a transparent statement of the study, relevant literature on the study subject along with the planned approach.  The introduction should be general to attract a reader’s attention from a wide range of scientific disciplines.

The materials section should include the detailed descriptions of all types of materials used. Authors may divide this into subsections denoting to the methods applied, subsections for statistics, reagents and animal models are also considered. A clear statement of approval from the institutional/ university/ national ethical committee should be obtained in case of animal/human subjects are used in the experiments. The methodology should be exact, but with sufficient detail to guide scientific replicability.

Figures and tables should be submitted as individual files. We strongly recommend author to submit tables as .doc format. Tables are to be typed double-spaced throughout, including headings and footnotes. Each table should be on a separate page, numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and supplied with a heading and a legend

The preferred file formats for photographic images are PNG, TIFF and JPEG. If you have designed images with separate components on different layers, kindly submit us the Photoshop files. Please note that it is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain permission from the copyright holder(s) to reproduce figures or tables that have previously been published elsewhere.

Results and Discussions may be merged or separated as a segment. Assumption and descriptive scrutiny of information are not to be unified in the results section, but can be included in the part of discussion. Also, interpretation and implications with reference to the context should be given indicating the future research directions.

It take in confirmation of individuals, grant particulars, funds or resources, and conflict of interest. Author should acknowledge the author contributions such design, data collection; preparation of article should be mentioned. All listed authors are in authority for the content and subsequent revisions of the article. Complete information of funding source including a grant number and grant holder name must be stated. Grantees from NIH/WELCOME trust may the final accepted article for inclusion in PMC public access repository (

Only published or accepted chapters/articles should be incorporated in the references list. Conference talks, Meetings, abstracts, articles that have been submitted but not accepted should not be cited. All personal communications should be supported by a letter from the relevant authors.

Order of a reference should be maintained as below:

Authors <space>(Year)<space>Title.<space>Journal name<space>Volume number:<space>Issue number <space>page number.<space>doi.

Note: Please list the first six authors and then include “et al.” if there are additional authors.



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