Addiction Research and Behavioural Therapies
January 13, 2025 2025-01-14 10:18Addiction Research and Behavioural Therapies
Addiction Research and Behavioural Therapies
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About Journal
Addiction Research and Behavioural Therapies (JARBT) is a peer reviewed journal that publishes manuscripts related to recent findings on addictive and compulsive behaviours, cognitive-behavioural therapy and psychotherapy, mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and bipolar illness and treatments.
Aim and Scope
JARBT journal focuses on emphasizing the socioeconomic, mental and physical factors which contribute to the development of addictive behaviours. The addictive behaviour may correspond to consumption of alcohol, eating disorders, smoking and nicotine use, drug abuse, internet addiction, gambling addiction etc.
JARBT journal aims to publish scholarly articles describing clinical examinations, investigative studies and practices related to etiology, diagnosis related to various topics but not limited to depression, biplor, behavioural disorders,autism, Alzheimer’s and post-traumatic stress, psychoactive drugs, substance abuse, sexual addictiiion, addiction &recovery, addiction nursing, epidemiology of substance misuse, rehabilitation, smoking cessation, drug dependence, pathophysiology ofaddiction, ethical,legal and liability issues in addiction, herion addiction trratment, alcohol addiction,computer addiction, opiod related disorders.
JARBT journal editor welcomes all types of research articles, reviews, case studies, commentaries, short communications, and letters to the editor on various topics related to addiction research
Editorial Managing Policy
JARBT is using Editorial Manager Policy to attain quality in review process. This Policy follows an online manuscript submission, review and tracking systems. Review processing is performed by journal editorial board members or by outside experts. Editorial Managing Policy simplifies the publication process and helps the author to get track of their articles.
JARBT Open Access
As JARBT is an International Open Access journal, all the articles published under this journal will be accessible to all internet users throughout the world without any barrier of access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. All published articles will be assigned DOI provided by Cross Ref. JARBT will keep up-to- date with the latest advancements in the fields of Addiction Research. Abstracts and Pdfs of all articles published are freely available to all interested online readers immediately after publication without any restrictions or any other subscriptions to researchers worldwide.
Authors are welcome to submit the manuscript through our online portal and or send us an E-mail attachment to our Editorial Office.
Journal Highlights
- Addiction Therapy
- Rehabilitation therapy
- Addiction treatment
- Depression and anxiety disorder
- Addiction Nursing
- Eating Disorder
- Substance Abuse
- Marijuana and Opioid Addiction
- Physical Abuse
- Emotional Abuse
- Sexual Abuse
- Exposure to Family violence
- Child Trafficking
- Bullying and Aggresion
- Child Rights
Child Welfare
- Child Abuse
- Gambling Addiction
- Behavioral Addiction
- Drug addiction
- Alcoholism
- Social Relations
- Behavioral Adolescence
- Adolescent health
- Preadolescence
- Normal Adolescent Behavior
- Depressive disorders
- Child Anxiety
- Child Health
- Child Mental Health
- Children Behavior
- Children Development
- Counseling
- Societal Influence
- Addiction Psychiatry
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