Special Issue Guidelines

Special Issue Guidelines

A special Issue is an issue of any journal dedicated to one chosen topic. It should contain the latest work on that subject. Special issues are contributed by the Authors to the journals by responding to call for papers or by sending an invitation.
Why publish a special issue? Special issues usually attract more attention than regular issues, perhaps because the articles may be commissioned. As a consequence the articles are often read more and highly cited. Ideas for new special issues may come from a variety of sources. They may arise from editorial board meetings, come from someone in the field, or be solicited with a call for proposals.
Proposal Agreement  Experienced researchers and practitioners are invited to propose, organize the innovative Special Issues topics based on their research interest and expertise .All Special Issues must receive initial approval from the Senior Editorial Board before the papers are submitted.
Proposal Format  Special issues will be released on a monthly basis and proposals will be accepted accordingly. All proposals should include the following information:
Tentative deadlines for submission and review process (Timeline for submission, review, and final acceptance)
All proposals should be submitted to:Submit Manuscript 
Editorial Procedure Review the special issue proposals for relevance to current research in the concerned field. Recommend suitable proposals and their guest editors along with their biographies.
Once a proposal has been accepted by the EB members for creating a special issue, the corresponding guest editors will be responsible for handling and processing of the special issue articles.
Guest Editor Responsibilities
Submission Process



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