Reviewer Guidelines

Reviewer Guidelines


The reviewer is a renowned person with extensive knowledge about the concerned subject. Reviewers play very important roles in the peer review process as they are the subject experts. Olites like most scientific publishing companies be contingent on effective peer review procedures to carry on not just the quality and legality of distinct articles but also the trustworthiness of the articles we publish in journals.

Selection of Reviewer:

By surveying the quality and legitimacy of another scientific author’s work, Olites supports our editors to select the potential reviewers based on the expertise on the article to complete the effective review process. Our editorial board members can select the reviewers for the assigned manuscripts. Reviewers are asked to provide detailed, constructive comments that will help the editors make a decision regarding publication and how the authors could improve their manuscript.

Peer Review Process: 

The authenticity of scientific literature depends on effective peer review. It would be impossible to adjudge content credibility, without the judgment of knowledgeable peers as a standard for evaluating the quality of science. The peer review process is designed to assess the originality, validity, and overall quality of every manuscript submitted before it is finally accepted for publication. Reviewers help maintain the integrity of the publishing process by ensuring that plagiarized, poor quality, or other unsuitable work is not approved for publication.

Our motto of disseminating the scientific knowledge is completely relied upon effective peer review process. The knowledge and expertise of our reviewers are essential for maintaining high standards of the Olites publishers as the reviewing process is the first important step in the process of publication

Guidelines to be followed while Reviewing an Article
Review Report:
The reviewers should focus on the following when evaluating a manuscript:
Reviewers Opinion
 Responsibilities of a Reviewer 
Call for Reviewers
If you would like to begin your association with the journal as a peer reviewer, kindly send the Updated CV, Biography and research interest to: info@olitesonline .org and we will respond to you within 24-48 hours. We believe that your idealistic thoughts improve the scientific quality of articles to be published. As appreciation, we acknowledge and certify the reviewer certificate for your efforts in getting the quality article to the scientific society.



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