Editor Guidelines

Editor Guidelines

An editor is a person having managerial and sometimes policy –making responsibility related to the writing compilation, and revision of content for a publishing firm or for a newspaper, magazine, or other publication.

Guidelines for Editors
Each Editor of the Editorial Board plays a vital role in maintaining the journal standards and peer review. Editorial boards are an essential and valuable resource for Olites journals. Our editors are experts in their respective fields and are responsible for the peer review process and the content of the journal.
Editor Responsibilities

Each and every Editor of the Editorial Board plays an important role in the peer review process and in maintaining journal standards.

Editors should evaluate the submitted manuscript whether it is within the scope of the journal, and should determine the following points:
  1. Whether the research is important, original and well defined?
  2. Whether the data and explanation are well balanced and supported by the data?
  3. What are the possible strengths and weaknesses of the submitted manuscript?
  • Editors must ensure the quality of each manuscript. This includes, ensuring that the content is original and scientific facts are valid.
  • Editors must ensure that the work rendered meets internationally approved ethical guidelines. There must be proper citation and the original source of the content should be named.
  • The Olites Editorial Board will protect all confidential data regarding manuscript submissions. If the author has used information involving human subjects, the Editorial Board must ensure that the author obtained written consent.
  • The editor will assign the reviewer for the submitted manuscript based on the area of interest.
  • Editor is the final decision maker for acceptance or rejection of the article based on the review comments.
  • If needed editor has to review the manuscript for the second time when the author submits the revised manuscript. The author will receive the review comments based on which the revised manuscript has to be submitted.
  • The article will be rejected if it is not suitable for publication. The editor gives the comments for the rejection to the author.
  • An editor should give unbiased decision to all manuscripts based on the quality of the manuscript.
  • The manuscript information should not be disclosed by the editor and the editorial staff to anyone other than reviewers.
  • The editor should not use unpublished information or interpretations in a submitted manuscript except with the consent by the author
  • If needed/recommended, submission will undergo a second round of review, where an editor will ask the author to resubmit for the second revision. The author shall receive the decision along with the comments/recommendations from reviewers
  • The editors must ensure all the published articles are properly and permanently archived in databases such as PubMed etc.
  • The editors must have policies and systems in place as the commercial considerations not to affect their decisions and should have declared policies on publishing sponsorship supplements in the journal or any advertisements in the journal.
Benefits as an Editor for Olites Open Access Journals
  1. Waiver on registration fee for conferences organized by Olites Group
  2. Certificate of appreciation from Olites, honored by the Editor-in-Chief at the end of the year
  3. Recognition as an editor for Olites Open Access journal
Editorial Policy
Editorial policies are optimized to protect and reinforce the journals reliability and quality while aiming at readers interest. Olites Open Access Journals provides complete editorial freedom to the Editorial Board members with the authority to determine journals content and it does not interfere with any sort of assessment process of manuscripts. The act of decision to determine the fate of the manuscript, to publish or reject is never affected by author’s origin nationality, ethnicity, race, religion or political beliefs. No other private or government policies or agencies away from the journal can determine the decision. The decisions are purely with respect to the innovation,novelty, quality and scientific importance to the readers.
Editors ought to make sure that all the articles are published with relation to the scope of the journal supported relevance, integrity, scientific strength, new inputs, potential interest, completeness, clarity and ethics. Decisions must be provided strictly based on the articles scientific validity and importance to the scientific community.
Interested to be an Editor for Olites Open Access?

If you are interested to become the editor for our Olites Journals, kindly mail us your CV along with journal of interest to olitespublishing@gmail.com

We will respond to you within 24-48 hours. Olites Open Access, afford constant support for the editors who play prominent role in promoting Open Access via Olites and help us in facilitating our mission of promoting the researchers amongst the scientific community.



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